Our Privacy Policy

Welcome to our WordPress privacy policy and refund policy page. We are providing you with an overview of our privacy policy and how we will collect, use, and protect your personal information when you will use our website services. You must carefully read and understand our privacy policy before using our WordPress services.

1. Introduction

Our website is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is always safe and secure with us. This privacy policy of WpDepend explains how we gather, use, and protect all your personal data and information when you will use our website services.

2. Collection Of Information

We will collect your personal information when you will perform registration with us on our website, fill out a form, or make a purchase of our plan. The personal information which we collect shall include your name, email address, phone number, billing address, and credit card information. We will also collect non-personal information like your IP browser type, address, and operating system.

3. Use Of Information

We will use your personal information to provide you with all the services you have requested from us, to process your final payments, to send you promotional materials or newsletters, and to respond to all your inquiries. We shall also use your personal information to improve our website services, analyze trends and patterns of usage, and to personalize your experience on our website.

4. Disclosure Of Information

We may share your personal details and information with the third-party service providers who will perform services on our behalf like payment processing, email marketing, or even for website hosting. We may also share your data with law enforcement agencies or other third parties if required by the law or to protect our website and users from all the malicious and fraudulent activities.

5. Cookies

Our website uses cookies to improve the user experience and to personalize the visit of our audience. A cookie is a micro file that is placed on your mobile devices or computers which will use your queries and searchings when you will check out our website. Cookies will help us to remember all your preferences and to provide you with a better-personalized user experience on our website. You can also disable all the cookies from your browser settings but note that some features of our website may not be able to function correctly without using our cookies.

6. Business Transfers

If WpDepend or substantially all of its assets were acquired in the future or in any event where WpDepend goes out of business or even enters bankruptcy, the important information of our clients would be one of the assets that will be acquired or are transferred by the third party. These transfers can also occur and any acquirer of WpDepend will continue to use your personal information as highlighted in this privacy policy.

7. Ads

Ads that are appearing on any of our websites shall be delivered to our users through various advertising partners who may also set cookies in them. These cookies allows the ad servers to recognize your device every time when they will send you an online advertisement to gather information about you or other users who will use your device and click on those ads. This personal information will allow the ad networks to show targeted advertisements to you that they believe is of your interest. This privacy policy covers only the use of cookies with WpDepend and does not cover the use of those cookies by other online advertisers.

8. Security

We take the security of our customer’s personal information seriously and have also implemented industry-standard security measures on our website to protect all your information from unauthorized user access. However, no method of on electronic storage, transmission, or the internet is 100% safe and secure and we cannot even guarantee you about the complete security of your data and personal information.

9. Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We have the complete right to update or modify our privacy policies at any point in time. If we make minor or major changes into our privacy policy, we will then post a notice about this on our website and also update the "last updated" date at the top of this webpage.